Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Here Comes The Fun!

ARTICHOKES are ready to harvest! Can't wait for lunch today, with the Farmer and a little melted butter and lemon.
ASPARAGUS , another year into the process! Next year is the year for harvest. You need to wait three years before harvest. It has been fun to grow, it is beautiful but it is also a great temptation!

ZUCCHINI, there are flowers on the plants, about another week and we will be enjoying the first harvest. Yummy! We have several plant and will have enough to share. I will plant more seeds this week so that we can enjoy squash late into the season!


  1. Isn't it fabulous when you can start to see the possibility of possibility out in the garden?

    LOVE this time of the year.
    And am jealous... you have artichokes!!!

  2. You've GOT to make artichoke fritters! Best thing with something cold to drink ever!

    I am so jealous - I looked at growing asparagus this year but this is a rented property and I don't want to spend 2 years sweating over them and never get to eat them.
